Monday, 30 December 2013

Secret Training Camp....

Despite his efforts to keep his winter training top secret, a spy shot of team rider Chris has surfaced from his 'training camp' in Spain.
He's refusing to go into detail about the actual format of the camp, but was heard to mumble the words 'Paella' and 'Red Wine'.....

"Yeah, it's ideal for my Vuelta training plans....."

Working off the Turkey...

While most people were finishing off the turkey leftovers and trying to figure out where the batteries went in another electronic device, the Naked Bikes / Haibike / Impsport team were on the road again this weekend.

Round 13 of the NDCXL was at Bakewell, a late change of venue. Preliminary course inspection on foot prompted the standard flippers / snorkel comments!

Wetter than the proverbial otter's pocket!

The course consisted of a large amount of flat, muddy, sports pitch type action, but was livened up with the addition of a large, steep hill to climb up then immediately blast down.

Rich: "The course looked awful but was actually great fun. I rode on my own for nearly all the race, and was pleasantly surprised to take 9th Vet overall - especially since Nick Craig was on the front row of the grid. Not getting lapped by him was a bonus!"


He's not pushing, he's just remounting!

Josh and Ross both raced in the Juniors race at 2.30, by which point the course looked even harder. Josh claimed 2nd place, and Ross took 5th.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

It's not Christmas just yet....!

Despite it being the season for office parties, mince pies and a general 'wind-down' you can rely on the Naked Bikes/Haibike/Impsport team to still be out there racing. (OK, one of us!)

Rich flew the team flag up at Sherwood Pines for Round 12 of the NDCXL season this weekend. A surprisingly dry course saw the pace high, once the confusions about the course at the start were cleared up.

Rich: "I had a good second row start, and we all took off up the fire-road. Amusingly the front row all turned the wrong way at a corner when they should have gone straight on. In the resulting confusion I ended up about 5th for a short while. A quick clash of wheels put paid to that though, and a quick slam into the mud saw me drop loads of places. I fought back through the field fairly steadily though, and was happy enough with 10th V40, 14th Vet overall."

Monday, 9 December 2013

Midlands CX Championships

Sunday saw the Midlands CX Championships at Hardwick Hall near Chesterfield, and a course that looked deceptively tame - that is until you rode it!

Flying the flag for Naked Bikes/Haibike/Impsport were Rich and Nick Popham in the Vets, and Josh Walling in the Juniors

Nick and Rich had a protracted battle for most of the race, eventually taking 16th and 17th Vet respectively (10th and 11th V40), whilst Josh was the hero of the day with a superb 2nd position in the Juniors!

There's a superb film of the race here

Josh:  Sunday race was terror on a field. Sat in a box for the entirety of the race, if you can call it a race. Pan flat power course with a short technical section didn't suit me at all but was fast and enjoyable. Race was incredibly bumpy but was enjoyable. I rode strong at the start sitting first into the bottleneck. Jack Ravenscroft powered past and wasn't seen again all race. I sat off the front of the main group for around 2 laps then sat up and recovered when I saw there were two away. Both riders passed me but I stayed strong and recovered. Last lap bell went and I attacked to get back on, carried speed past them and cracked the rider sitting 4th place. I knew that I'd made podium at this point but knew I would fight for second. The rider sat 3rd (Arthur Green) is a national level rider and I knew he was strong. I kept digging at him to test his strength. Last few corners were a group of hair pins, we both fought for position as it was the only real passing point left in the lap. Arthur took me on the second corner, I took the position back on the third an attacked to the finish.

Josh - 2nd Junior, AND he rode the tricky bits! (Photo thanks to Ian Nutt)

Rich: The course was a mixture of strength-sapping flats, with one off-camber muddy section that had a lot of people trying to make the ride / run decision. I think Nick lost his chain on that section in the first lap and I snuck past him. Just managed to hold him at bay until the last lap, when I lost my chain in the same place, and he took advantage. Great race, and good fun racing againt a team-mate!

Rich tries to escape from Nick P! - (Photo thanks to Ian Nutt)

Nick P: My last race of cross this season the Champs and I brought my whole family this time for full support, with my 3yr old shouting 'go daddy!'Being gridded 8th was a bonus and after a 'next 30 seconds' start we were off! I settled into 7th overall and started to get into pace . I had not done a pre lap this time out of choice so first lap managing the bomb hole my chain came off and it took a bit of time to get back on. Taking it high then riding straight across to the other side did the job for future laps. The pace was high - Rich joined me and we pushed each other round, I got past him on the last straight then he did the same so I went for the corner and kept pace up through the woods to the sprint finish and it was all over 10th and 11th in out cats - top job team!

Nick chases down Jason Marriot from the Bolsover!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Winter Series continues...

A break in the CX calendar for the team coincided well with more MTB action from the Thetford Winter Series, with Nick Towers, Nick Popham and Ross Marriott making the journey eastwards for some action.

Nick T took 7th in the 4hr Vet race, Nick Popham 5th in the 2hr Vet race, and Ross managed a superb 2nd place in the 2hr Junior men.

Ross: I was happy with 2nd in my first ever two hour race. It was good to get a change from the 40 minute British Cycling races I was racing as an U16 last year! I had a good start and was 1st into the first corner but I backed off going into the first bit of singletrack, and the rider that finished in first place attacked and I never saw him again during the race. For the first 3/4 of a lap I rode with another junior rider, but then he attacked on a long fire road. I then rode on my own until catching the 2nd place junior on the start of ,y 4th and final lap, and I managed to open the gap up to 5 minutes before I finished,

Is there a shutter speed fast enough for Towers!?
Nick T: 7th place in the 4hr vets to go alongside 7th for R1 last month. Yes, I started a little too hard and took longer than I'd have liked to settle in, but overall my performance was where it needed to be for this time of year. No complaints then!

Nick P: After the 3 hr drive it was great to get out the car , 9am and the atmosphere was true MTB racing. Quick nip down to sign on which is nice and easy then back to the car for warm up - a good 20min to blow the 2 dgree temp away. At 2.30 we went down and started to line up and get our gridding just behind the seniors & young lads. At 2.40 we were off with a massive sprint up a long hill. I sat 4th behind Antony White and we all sat together for the first lap. On the long stretch I pushed for the front and led the race for 1/2 a lap (nice - enjoyed that!) then backed off behind Ant again so as to not over do it. 2nd lap one of the seniors took off and that started to split us up. I missed my pit man so had to do without a bottle but a senior shared his - top man! Pushed hard on 3rd and 4th lap felt strong , we had been told last lap so I was on it pushing all the way to the finish. Great to be back on the mountain bike race circuit.

Friday, 29 November 2013

New year, new team!

Although it's been clear for a while through social media and our new kit that Naked Bikes is changing for 2014, we've not blogged about it yet.

Now we've submitted the forms signed in triplicate to the wonderful folks at British Cycling we can finally reveal that our new team name for 2014 is..... Naked Bikes/Haibike/ImpSport RT!

As you can see, we're working with some great new sponsors, and we're really proud to have them on board.

First up is Haibike, distributed in the UK by Raleigh. You'll also notice the Raleigh logo on the jersey, something those of us in the team old enough to remember the 1970s are particularly proud of!

Raleigh are thankfully still a force to be reckoned with in world cycling (check out their new CX bikes for proof), and are responsible for bringing the fabulous Haibike brand to these shores. Those in the know may have heard of this superb German brand, and there's some real excitement in the team about getting our hands on our race bikes for next season.

Most of us have opted for the Greed Team 29 for next season, with the fabulous SRAM XX1 set-up, but the range includes full-suspension options too. As you'd imagine, the Naked Bikes shop has access to the full range of Haibikes, with new stocks just in.

Next up on the jersey, and responsible for the jerseys themselves, is Impsport. We're proud to be working with the UK's largest manufacturer of Custom Cycling Clothing, Triathlon Clothing and Athletics Clothing, and having them provide our kit.

Although not in the team name, we're still pleased to say we're partnering up with Uvex, the manufacturers of fine cycling head protection, and continuing our fantastic relationships with local big names Sturgess Motor Group and Hewitt Ladders.

A big thanks to everyone for backing us - roll on 2014!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Weekend roundup - time for some mud!

It had to happen sooner or later......proper mud at a CX race....!

Rich tackled Round 10 of the NDCXL series at Markeaton Park in Derby, finishing 3rd V40, 9th Vet overall. Conditions were bright and mild, but the amount of mud underfoot saw many riders either repeatedly stopping to dig mud and leaves out of drivetrains, or opting for multiple bike changes through the pits.

Rich: "Really pleased with the result. Been doing a lot of work on my mud skills, and it's paid off. Aside from a single fall I managed to stay on the bike for the entire race! Enjoyed the fact there was a decent amount of running required too, as that's something else I've been working on, but not needed until this point in the season"

Mud everywhere but the Haibike logo - that's dedication to the sponsors! (Photo courtesy Ian Nutt)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Weekend CX roundup

The weekend saw the Naked Bikes 'usual suspects' out racing CX, but also saw the first race in team kit for new team member Ross Marriott.

Ross delivered a great first result, taking 6th Junior in the WMCCL race at Beaumount Leys.

Ross in action

Nick P was also in action at Beaumont Leys, taking 6th V40.

Nick: "A tough race  - started 5th on grid 3rd for first lap then two offs from high speed overtaking and no grip on wet grass. Caught a Jewson young lad half way so knew I wasn't doing too bad and set sights on next target. A Lichfield rider caught me on the rollers section but I took him back by the 2ft planks and finished clear of him holding onto 6th vets 40+ "

Nick P in plank action

Over in Nottingham, Rich was racing Round 9 of the NDCXL, taking 7th V40 after some protracted battling.

Those of you with eagle eyes will notice a slight revision to the team kit. This is actually 2014 team kit, courtesy of the wonderful folks at Impsport. Team feedback is already very positive in terms of quality and fit. If anyone is keen to 'get the look', the NB webshop has team kit and other Impsport designs available.

And finally... (as they say!)

New team member Ross has been caught on camera again...

Photo courtesy Ian Nutt

We've heard that he's excited by the prospect of a new team Haibike for 2014, but we reckon he's going a little too far in his efforts to convince everyone that he's grown out of his old bike!

There's some footage of him in action here

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Hot off the Press!

It may have a quieter weekend on the racing front this past weekend but we still have some Naked Bikes news, with the folks at the Leicester Mercury proving there's an unlimited number of puns on the word Naked!

Nick T is now trying to get as many newspaper features as he's done races in 2013!


In other Nick news, Mr Popham appears to have had an expensive and slightly disheartening weekend of racing at the Inter-Regional CX Champs at Middlesborough. Despite being in 14th on his last lap, a barbed wire fence claimed both his tubs, and dropped him into 23rd by the end of the lap. (At least he's now got the whiff of tub glue vapours to keep him smiling for a while!)

Monday, 4 November 2013

The MTBs are back!

Just when you thought Naked Bikes had turned into a Cyclocross-only team, the MTB action is back!
Nick T, Andy and Nick P took the trip east to Thetford to compete in the winter series this weekend. (Yes Nick Ts season still isn't over!)
Nick T:
Thetford Winter Series 4 hour has always been a winter favourite of mine. Relaxed, well run and well drained, flowing single track courses. I love the cold air, smelly burger van, sporadic fag smoke waft, thumping PA sensation every 30 minutes or so as you pass through the arena. Anyway after spending 3 weeks off the bike resting after a busy spring and summer season I met Andy at McD’s A14 East. Such is the tradition we don’t really need to arrange place/time, it’s just a ‘meet you same place/time?’ kind of rendezvous. The best sort!
Blessed with clear skies our race plan was as laid back as the atmosphere; start steady, don’t get sucked along into the energy sapping lap 1 sprint (it’s winter racing for the social after all?), find a brisk 2 up pace and steadily pick off any faster starters who hadn’t paced themselves, then dependant on ‘legs’, open it up at the 2 hour mark. The plan stuck, plenty of banter in the group of 4-5 riders we formed, picking up and passing a few ‘heavy breathers’ on the way. It really was a great course…….dry, fast, autumnal, leafy single track, swooping all the bermed corners like kids at the BMX track.
Nick T in action - note new team kit!
So, 2 hours dispensed with, the course cleared of the 2 hour racers, we get 7kms of course to ourselves. Andy had dropped off a little, more bottle/gel stop and a bit of back trouble than legs I hasten to add. That left me with another Andy #2, from Gipping Race Team Vets. He was strong in the single track but a little slower on two of the gradual inclines. Good for me as the final run in forms the second of the inclines. Last lap bell (there wasn’t a bell!) and I realised Andy #2 had dropped off noticeably on the climb. This was the opportunity to go hard and get the 7th place we’d both been jockeying for. All the time I could see glimpses of his red/white kit through the trees – I knew he was coming, but I managed to pull a proper gap in the end an came in a good 2 minutes up – 7th in the bag. Pleased with that. Decent position to carry to R2.
Andy #1 had a good strong finish in 11th Senior too, not far behind Andy #2. I think both us feeling the 4 hours of racing hard tails in our back sides! Team mate Nick Popham raced the 2 hour Vet, coming in a credible 9th place. Good day out at the races for Naked Bikes!
Andy forces a smile, despite being forced to ride behind Nick T

Monday, 28 October 2013

A big day out....

Sunday saw a great team turn-out for Naked Bikes at the West Midlands CX League race at Misterton near Lutterworth, with Nick P, Matt and Rich on the bikes, and Ben, Lee and Mark on the sidelines (with cowbell!)

Welland Valley CC's course was a superb mix of grass, pavement and singletrack, with a few hills thrown in too. With just a light scattering of rain in the morning, conditions were perfect.

As the youngest of the racers on the day, Matt went off first in the seniors.


"Misterton has always been a firm favourite of mine, I've had so many good battles over the years and this year was no different.
The seniors race started very fast and I struggled to match the early pace as I've had a month off racing but soon enough some riders started to suffer. I slowly wound it up over the first half of the race and got into second place 30 sec back from the leader but slowly found my top end power lacking somewhat .
On the second from last lap two rides passed me and I had no answer so had to settle for 4th on the day  - not that bad ! Still more work to be done.
I had a fantastic time and had great support from the Naked Bikes lads with cowbells and shouting. Misterton did not disappoint - many thanks goes to organiser Dean Barnett and Welland Valley"
Matt in action

Vets Nick P and Rich started a minute after the seniors...


"After a disappointing race last week, I just wanted to get my mojo back and have some fun racing. Having to start from the back of the grid added to the challenge a little, but it gave me some overtaking practice at least. Absolutely loved the course - most enjoyable 'cross course I've raced all season. Was happy to get 10th Vet40 on the day."

Rich refusing to be beaten by a bearded MTB singlespeeder

Nick P managed an excellent 7th V40


"After a gridding issue due to commisaring the last couple of week was sorted (any competitive cycling in the UK is run by commissaries so proud to be involved in an important role) I was gridded 5th in the front line.

Another fast start on a fantastic course, very slippy by the pits with a climb to the finish line before heading onto the circuit. There was a great log dismount then a double switchback that I was able to ride every lap. Then over the challenging root to a bunny hop point on the descent close to the tree to lead us to the side of the lake and then just a case of keeping the power on.
My pace was a bit down on the year before from battering CX and MTB seasons back to back and the effort of winning MTB regional champs twice in a row.
Last few laps were my strongest, passing a young Jewson lad and a Max Gear rider who chased me to the line for a sprint finish - but the old man got it!
A good result with a lot of top local lads turning up."

Nick P racing to 7th V40

All photos above courtesy of Ian Nutt - check out his Flickr stream for more amazing shots from the race

Leicester Mercury feature is here

Monday, 21 October 2013

Born Slippy....

A quieter weekend on the racing front, with a number of team members taking a break after the mountain bike season at present. Rich ploughed on (literally!) through the mud though this weeked at Round 7 of the NDCXL, although things didn't exactly go to plan.


"The course was really greasy, and I slipped out and got my chain stuck within about a minute. I pushed really hard to try and work back up, but the course was narrow and slippy, so I was either held up or slid out as I overdid each corner. Happy in the end to claw back 14th V40, 17th overall"

Rich tries out his new interval regime. Ride for 30 seconds, fall off. Repeat.

Monday, 14 October 2013


Nick T and Andy were racing down in Bristol this weekend at the Oktoberfest, and put in yet another podium performance for the team!


"8 hours, 2 Naked racers, 2 gears (between us). Only 5 in the entry, demonstrating the single speed racing 'secret' is still relatively safe! However looking at the teams it was clear nobody was there to make up the numbers.......Race on!

A strong start from Andy put us into second place by the first change over. A great first lap considering the hordes of rucksack racers (who as ever 'jumped' the Le Mans start) clogging the narrow trails. I then took the baton to continue the chase in a lap on/lap off strategy. Hard going with little time to rest, but by far the fastest way to race.

The 1st-2nd gap between Velo Bicicielo and Naked Bikes yo-yo'd between 2 and 4 minutes throughout the race duration. Lots of nervous words between us in the handover pit, but hard as we tried we couldn't close the gap to sub 1 minute. This would have put the leaders within range of closing gap proper and having some full on wheel to wheel racing.

With the exception of an unplanned visit to the hard rocky trail surface, requiring a bit of arm bandaging, we raced hard and consistently on what we agreed was a perfect venue and course for multi-lap endurance racing.

So, we were forced to settle for second place. We were happy - gave it our all, well matched lap times, perfect hand-overs, trophy, giant pretzel, podium action, fantastic event as always. Beaten fairly and squarely by the faster team of John and John of Velo Bicicielo. I say faster, they were; 15 seconds a lap on average!

Be it race result or lap times.........Every Second Counts!"


"It was great to get out on the singlespeed again after a 5 month hiatus.  That break would have been even longer if it wasn't for some last minute wheel fixing by our main man Paul.  A massive thank you to him for getting it fixed.  Not only team head honcho and shop owner but a top spanner man too! 
Unfortunately that meant no excuses left for me so on to the race.  I volunteered for the run.  Although, to be honest you can't really call it a run, it's more of a mad scramble over bodies to try and get on the bike.  We'd decided to pick a clearly visible spot at the top of the hill for me to run to and find Mr T with my bike.  Lesson learned: It's easier to cycle up a hill than run, so found myself stuck in the middle of hundreds of riders.  On a singlespeed it's not that easy to power past anyone on a flat straight, so by the time I reached the first stretch of singletrack it was like the M25 and stayed like it for the rest of the lap.  It's probably a good job the course didn't pass my van as I would have got in it and driven straight home.  Eventually, lap over (in second place I think) and a hand over to a very eager looking Mr Towers. 
Nick was back within 30 minutes and I was out for another.  This time however it was like a different race.  where did everyone go?  It was like I had the place to myself.  Anyone who's ridden at Ashton Court knows it may as well be a 6 mile BMX track so getting out for a clear blast is ace.  One gear making it all the more fun.  Our lap times stayed pretty consistent throughout the rest of the day (Quick Nick giving it "Blue Steel" then handing over to me for more of the same).  Consistently good, but not enough to grind down an annoying 2 minute gap to first.  Kudos to Mr T for repaying me for that horrible first lap and absolutely burying himself with double laps at the end.
 A top days racing rewarded with a great podium pretzel"
There's not a shutter speed quick enough to capture Andy in motion!


CX roundup - the mud begins!

After a few weeks of surprisingly dry conditions, it would appear the mud has arrived. Rich rode most of the Alfreton round of the NDCXL this weekend with an expression that seemed to say "why did I put off glueing my mud tubs?"

Despite this slight oversight, Rich graced the overall Vets top 10 this week, with a 7th overall, and 5th V40


"Best result of the season so far for me, capitilising on the fact that a number of the top racers were racing the National Trophy on the Sunday! On the pre-ride the course seemed not too bad, but an hour of rain later (and the junior races) and it was a mud-fest!"

Photos courtesy of Lucy Kong

Monday, 7 October 2013

Racing through the Night....

Nick T literally spent this weekend in the dark, as he faced up to the night-time challenge that is the Dusk til Dawn race at Thetford
Team Lumicycle-Naked Bikes on the steps....
"I teamed up with John and Stu Prentice from Lumicycle to form a hopefully decent men’s 3 team for this race. We felt we’d got a shout of a podium position looking at the entries, but strong teams from CCN, EHF Racing, Revel Outdoors, SRAM and Arrow Cycles meant some would go home empty handed. Our strategy was clear, one lap on, 2 off, repeat for 12hrs, in the dark. XC type effort each lap, accepting performance would fade slightly as the night drew on, but defending a strong position. This isn’t my favoured type of race admittedly, having trained specifically for endurance/marathon racing since August, focussing on sustainable effort, less so deep digs into the anaerobic zone. So I knew this wasn’t going to plain sailing by any stretch of the imagination. We started well, moving quickly into 2nd place and began to open a good gap to 3rd place. John and Stu were a couple of minutes a lap quicker than me as expected, but I was holding my own happily, even though my lungs and quads were burning.

It might have been a flat course, predominantly on tree lined, twisting dry trails, but it was brutal with respect to effort required. No descents to recover on, just hard pedalling effort, a couple of seconds off the power to line up the corners, then back on it to accelerate out and settle back in. Working this hard certainly took it out of us out a little, as all our lap times and heart rates showed the tell-tale signs lap by lap. Despite this we kept racking up decent times and maintained our 2nd place. By first light CCN had developed a +30min lead on us and Revel Outdoors trailed us by 25mins. We pretty much had to dig in and hold steady and the middle podium step would be ours. In short, we did and it was!

Very professional organisation and delivery from Thetford MTB and Time Laps. Classical music piped into the woods, funky disco lights down the finish straight and great support from the hordes of nocturnal spectators – given the chance I’ll withstand the sleep deprivation and race this again. I’m bushed, but I’m smiling!"

Viking Raid

The Viking Challenge is a 50km off-road event held annually in the Vale of Belvoir. This area is a bit unusual for the East Midlands in that it has both some altitude and some off road trails.

The event has a history of alternating between 'nice sunny day out' and 'horrendous mudfest', so it's good to see from the photo below that the Naked Bikes riders got a dose of sunshine!

Paul, Josh, Mark and Matt all rode the event, quoted by Paul as 'a cracking day out!'


"Me, Mark , Paul and Josh all rode the Viking challenge 50km. We had a steady start as we started later and just turned up speed when we got going. Had a good day out, but it was busy so overtaking was the order of the day. Got round in 2 hrs 15 mins wih 3 stops so not too bad!"


"It was a last minute decision to do the Viking Challenge, and it was worth the £25 entry ..... We arranged to meet at 9am, the sun was out and the skies were blue! Perfect day for riding with your team mates ..

Andy had set off early and rode over 20 miles from his house and was already out when we signed on so it was myself, Matt Barrett, Mark Proudman and Josh Wallings.

 9:30 was our set off time and we just made the start but missed the chance to nip to the toilet so just up the hill 3 Naked Bikes riders stopped in a field for a toilet break! This put us right at the back of the 9:30 group ... With Matt and Josh on the front we was flying, Mark sticking with me pushing me along .. It was great riding along in a Naked Bikes mtb train ... Keeping up with the lads for as long as I could was bloody hard for me as it takes me ages to warm up and I am not anywhere near the guys' standards so I had told them to push on without me ...

Now on my own I could settle into my own pace catching a lot of riders and getting around at a good pace and enjoying the ride which I was really enjoying and felt great .. Arriving at the finish and seeing Jo and Sophie is always good and in a respectable time -  I was happy with my ride

2014 training plan starts in November and I cannot wait ....!"

Despite the photo, Paul didn't tackle the event in the buggy!

CX update

A quieter weekend on the CX front this weekend, with a number of team riders choosing to tackle the Leicestershire-based Viking Challenge event and the Thetford Dusk 'til Dawn night race (reports to come for these),

Flying the 'cross flag though were Rich and Nick P in the NDCXL and WMCCL respectively.

Rich tackled a rather compact course at Allestree Park in Derby, taking his best result of the season so far with an 8th V40, 11th Vet overall.


"Really enjoyed Rnd 5 at Allestree. The course was a good mixture of flat grassy sections and some rooty singletrack. Slightly disappointed to get sprinted on the line for a top ten position, but that's racing!"

Nick P rode his way to 7th V40 at Baggeridge, and summed up his race thus:

"Sometime from the off you just know it's going to be hard day at the office! Pre lap felt good, liked the course but knew it was going to be a killer with the ups and downs. Warm up was good  - 2min on the new g3 powertap .
Called up to front line, ready for the off...  round the bend hanging on to Darren Atkins tail, kept with them for a lap but started to feel sick..
Backed it off and my main competition started to come past. I took Andy Collis  on a corner again but he got it back later on - I just did not have it in me.
Greg Slatter was coming up and I was hanging on to Joe Atkins who had rolled a tub earlier. Last two laps seem to come back but it was tough day for me. 7th in end not bad considering, and 4.30 min down. Its good not to get lapped by the seniors! "

Nick at Baggeridge

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Naked Bikes delivers another ’first’!

No race result as such this time, but the first 2014 Felt mountain bike delivered to a rather happy customer from Naked Bikes.
After a bit of persuasion at the dealer day in September, Felt Bikes UK distributor Saddleback agreed to release the only 2014 new Felt Q24 kids mtb in the country to Naked Bikes. End customer; one Jessica Towers; 8th birthday approaching, outgoing Raleigh 6 Speed being rapidly outgrown:
After a clandestine raid on the shop and an equally undercover delivery to the bike rack at home a rather curious Jessica got despatched to ‘go and help Dad outside’. The initial pre-teenage after-school ‘how dare you intrude into my space’ face rather rapidly subsided as she spied a red and shiny bike awaiting it’s new owner. After some excited jumping up and down with glee and gratitude (both of us!) a quick burn up of the park was in order. Happy Dad, Happy Mum, ecstatic Daughter. Thanks Paul – you did a great job!

Monday, 30 September 2013

'Cross Roundup

Some great team results from another packed weekend of Cyclocross, including action at the 3 Peaks race.

Saturday saw Matt and Rich racing at Shipley Park in Round 4 of the NDCXL. A fast, dry course meant no dismounts, and no need to drop out of the big ring!

Rich managed 12th V40, and Matt's ever-improving form saw him take 4th place in the seniors.


"Rd 4 of the NDCXL was always going to be a hard round as the course is fast and it has a fair bit of climbing in it. The sun was shining and conditions were top notch, well 20 degrees plus for cross this time of year was crazy.

I did a few warm up laps and felt sluggish -  I think my cold from last week was making me feel off.
Anyway my race started and I missed my pedal so I started a little further down than normal, but on the 3rd corner the front runners had a big pile up so I had to pick my way around that lot. I settled in picking riders off on the first few laps and was riding in 5th and felt ok when I got going just missing a little top end .

Most of the race I was riding on my own so set my own tempo, but on the last lap I had company so had to attack and gain a place  to 4th overall. Happy with the result overall and ready for the next one."

Matt on his way to 4th Senior
Rich, wishing there was a 'pale and skinny' category!

On the Sunday Nick Popham was racing on home turf at Cannock, and delivered a great performance to take 3rd V40, 15th overall.


"After  lounging around and doing lap board and bell for Pete Harris' race, pre laps needed to be done. Lots of roots so kept dropping the pressure on the tubs to 24 psi -  just right to bang over the roots
My son had a great race sharing my bikes, and as Pete Harris said he finished with a smile and loved it.
2pm line up gridded 2nd by Darren Atkins and other front line friends Gary, Steve, Keith and Phil
2.15 whistle went and it was game on. I settled into 5th but a mistake by people on the log meant a crash with some of the riders catching us. Steve went down my and Garmin went flying. We got back on our bikes, bruised a little but that's racing.
I caught up with Gary in 3rd and sat on him catching him in the technical bits and he put it in during the long stretches.  On the last lap I planned to take him before technical section but his chain came off, and I was off passing 4 seniors before I finished (and not getting lapped by senior Dan Booth from Hope who started 2 min before us was good!)"
Nick never loses his helmet in the carpark!

Josh  definately had the hardest race of the weekend though, facing up for the first time to the monster that is the 3 Peaks Cyclocross race, a gruelling feast of hike-a-bike, road and offroad action.


"Riding the three peaks was an experience rather than a race! Getting blown around like a kite with a bike can't be classed as racing but rather a fight, a fight to stay on your feet and the drive to keep moving up mounds that are better referred to as walls rather than hills. Heart rate beating out of my chest rather than in it was a memory I won't be forgetting soon, nor will I be forgetting the endless up hills and un even steps.....Of hell.
The race as a whole was amazing, a one of beast of an event with nothing in comparison. My dad spoke wise words before the event describing it as "the male giving birth" This was definitely the right comparison. I'll be returning next year with the epic conquest of going sub 4 hours. Bike preparation and physical prep went well, feeling strong until the first climb that put me into a state of shock and doubt if I was even going to make the top of the first climb let alone finish."

Despite a puncture Josh delivered a superb 4hr28 time!

Monday, 23 September 2013


Just a quick post to wish team member Ben all the best for a speedy recovery from his recent op'. Looking forward to seeing him dressed in team kit rather than a hospital gown in next season's photos (however much it suits him)

"I said High 5, not tea!"

Embracing the Madness

This weekend saw team racing action in both MTB and CX, with Rich taking 10th V40 and Josh taking 4th Junior at Round 3 of NDCXL. Across the other side of the Midlands Nick Popham took 4th V40 in the West Mids League race.

No, that's a timing chip on Josh, not an ASBO tag.
Nick T pedalled for longer than the rest of the team combined at the 8hr Margam Madness race!


"I entered Margam Madness with 2 reservations;

1. It's a crap name;
2. 8hrs solo race on a course with 450m of climbing in a 10.5k lap;

But without Kielder100 on the calendar I obligated myself.

Forecast was good, warm and dry and training was going to plan. Good job the training stayed on plan, because the weather went AWOL. Light rain all night and drizzle/mist all day turned a tough technical course into part assault course, part hill climb, part mud/rock slide. Good job no Europeans entered ;-)

Only 4 vets stood on the start line for the 8hr solo. One must have not started or drowned in a bog as he didn't feature in the results! So that left 3 of us dotted amongst the seniors and pairs of the 4hr and 8hr race.

The start was steady, everyone seeming to be happy with 8hr pace. We swung off road and up a bank after 500m of double track. It became instantly apparent that skills in gloop, twigs, rocks, roots and hike-a-bike might be useful.

Unlike many courses that start to firm up after a few laps of riding, this one got stickier. By lap 4 although I was safely in 2nd place, but didn't know it, I started to suffer with mud induced chain suck. Very frustrating as I had to stop regularly and spend an age freeing up the chain ring. This cost me a good 5 minutes a lap and several £pounds in the swear box. New XTR clutch mech required!

Ironically, I'd no idea the 3rd place vet ditched the race after 1 lap! I could have come 2nd with 2 laps of racing! However, Paul's encouraging Death Before DNF ringing in my ear holes and no clues to where the competition was, I pushed on.

For once I'd not gone too hard in the earlier laps and kept tapping out a steady, but regular rhythm through the goo and rocks and up the hills.

At the 7 hour mark, Maddie Horton, lap caller and compere for the day announced "number 80 Nick Towers coming through with 2nd place assured, 3rd place has stopped racing". Now with 2nd place in the bag, 1st place way over the hills and heading for the last descent and a 3hour drive home I was tempted to finish it there. So tempted in fact that I did!

After a rather nice and friendly podium session, apologies for the weather and a round of applause for the organisers I bombed off home - mucky, damp, tired, happy.

Thanks to Paul for his encouraging 'words' in my ears every lap, Vredestein Tyres for making a pair of grippy Black Panther tyres and The Middle East for producing the gallons of lube oil I had to use to keep chain suck at bay (some of the time anyway).

Nick with swag

Monday, 16 September 2013

ESI grips

The amount of races and training miles that the Naked Bikes team put in during the year allows us to get an insight into products we like and would particularly recommend to others. We're going to take the opportunity to do just that with some of our particular favourites, starting with ESI Grips.

There's often a trade-off between weight, comfort and longesvity when it comes to grips, but as Paul's review shows, ESI grips seem to hit the sweet spot between all three of those.

"I have been using ESI for the 2013 XC season and they have not let me down. I found that my hands were less fatigued compared to other grips that featured a collar on the outer edge. The Grips come in either Racers Edge or Chunky. I have used Racers Edge and the soft silicon foam is comfortable, with a perfect balance of support and feedback in both wet and dry conditions and the grips feel great with either bare or gloved hands. They’ve worn really well, even my bright green pair have cleaned up well and stayed bright"

Eagle-eyed blog viewers will also notice Andy's bike adorned with some of the green grips in the post below.

We'll be running a competition on Twitter shortly to win a set of these awesome grips, but if you're either unsuccessful or simply can't wait, you can always grab yourself a set from the Naked Bikes shop. If you can't find a colour to match your bike, then you'll probably find you've got a very strange coloured bike!