Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Friday Night Fun

Friday brought a departure from normal race action, with most of the Naked Bikes team on the other side of the tape to the racers. This could only mean one thing - Round 5 of the famous Friday Night Summer Series, organised by Naked Bikes.

Mallory Park was the venue, and the course proved to be a resounding success with the racers, making maximum use of the available space and features. A couple of 'offs' certainly proved that the course was capable of 'biting back' in sections too.

For a full race report, see here.

It's worth noting that this is probably the only round of the series likely to be filmed by a quadcopter with on-board camera! The amazing footage from this top-secret Naked Bikes spy-vehicle is available here!

Not all the team were clad in hi-viz for the night though, with Ben Piringer flying the flag for the team, and coming in 21st.

Ben chasing 'em down

Thanks to everyone who came along, raced, supported and generally made Round 5 a great success!

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